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statement of faith

Below is a summary of what we believe:













The Bible, verbally and plenarily inspired, is God's infallible word, the final authority for all faith and life.

There is one God, personal, infinite, perfect, sovereign and eternally existing as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

The Lord Jesus Christ is true God and true Man, was born of the Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, provided substitutionary atonement for lost man, rose bodily from the grave and ascended into heaven.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead and works in the regeneration, conversion, sanctification and  preservation of the believer (saint).

God directly created the universe from no pre-existing material and therefore we reject all forms of naturalistic and theistic evolution.

Man was created perfect in God's image, was deceived by Satan and sinned against God by choice, incurring God's wrath and thereby needing salvation.

The sinner is justified by faith alone in the sacrificial atoning work of Christ Jesus, which includes pardon from sin and the gift of eternal life.

The work of the Holy Spirit is absolutely necessary in ministry and worship, just as in the conversion and preservation of the saint.

Baptism by immersion and the Lord's Supper for baptised believers are the ordinances of the Church.

The Church, the body of which Christ is head, comprises all true believers called of God and born of the Spirit.

It is a privilege to be under the care of a pastor and we consider it our duty to attend all the means of grace in our local Church and to give ourselves, our tithes and offerings for her maintenance and growth.

On the last day, the Lord Jesus Christ will return personally to raise all the dead and judge all people, both the just and the unjust.

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